Pearl Planet
Life Design
Design Your Life In Alignment With Your Deepest Spiritual Purpose
“What is it that gives you the most Joy, with the least amount of effort, while producing the greatest results?
This is your Magic,
your Power… Your Gift!”
Hello, my name is Epiphanio Alexander. For over 25 years of spiritual study and practice, I’ve developed The Pearl Planet Life Design Coaching Program to help my clients organize all aspects of their life in alignment with their Deepest Spiritual Purpose, with their Inner Joy that does not depend on external circumstances, people, things and/or achievements—their Unique Self-Expression that is Free and Real.

Roger K. Marsh B.E., M.B.A.
“I have been connecting with others! Some amazing things have happened as a result of doing what I love and what makes me happy just simply connecting with people and being real, in the moment, and free.
Talking with you today was such an inspiration. THANK YOU! I cannot tell you the shift I have experienced in my energy, you are living your passion inspiring others into their dreams!
I look forward to our call next week.
Love, Roger”
–Roger Kenneth Marsh B.E., M.B.A., Author of NexGen Human and TruthBubble, Founder of the Institute for Divine Energy Alignment and Living (IDEAL), Trainer with Integral Transformative Practice International, HeartMath® Coach and Leadership Coach with Beyond Belief LLC.
Pleasanton, CA

Dr. Joseph Byus
“Since I started working with Epiphanio as my coach my life has been changed, forever. He has a no nonsense way of cutting through the garbage and being extremely real with me. I love this. He has helped me to be my own catalyst and to take responsibility for every aspect of my business. With this approach there are no more variables. No more doubts. His style is also one of a kind. The business side of his coaching has been effective, but the real work that he has done with me has been on me. I am the recipe for my own success, in life as well as in business. Thank you Epiphanio for aiding me in unlocking my potential. It is no longer potential energy waiting to be unleashed. I am here, I am now!”
– Dr. Joseph Byus, Chiropractor
Olympia, WA.
What is Your Deepest Spiritual Purpose?
When you live your life from your Deepest Spiritual Purpose, you will never force anything and never be forced into anything. By heeding your Natural Inner Drive, you’ll always find yourself in the right place at the right time and contributing to life effortlessly, giving and receiving, flowing without stress.
When you discover your Natural Inner State of Flow and engage your life from this inner place of gentle strength, what was tedious becomes easy and what was challenging becomes an adventure—just like it’s supposed to be.
As a child, everyone (for the most part) behaved like this. You explored the world from the inside out; as children, we were not constrained by the ever expanding regulations of society and the constant compromises we trade for safety.
Because of the pervasive society-wide misunderstanding of reality, an adult (for the most part) has all but extinguished this vibrant curiosity and traded it for caution and even resentment. And so we find ourselves wearing different masks for every situation in order to fit in a world not made for Authenticity.
Your Natural Inner Drive, your Authentic Self-Expression (which at any given moment might even mean no expression at all) is a state in which You Find Yourself; it springs from a profound understanding of your place in the universe and flows outwards engaging in life vigorously because your source of energy is not external validation but your internal connection to a Greater Purpose than what society demands from you.
When you live your life from your Authentic Self-Expression, you are moment-to-moment Designing Your Life from Your Deepest Spiritual Purpose. You recognize your priorities and give precedence to Internal Alignment with what’s most valuable for you.
This is the purpose of The Life Design Coaching Program: to help you recognize Your Deepest Spiritual Purpose and seamlessly integrate every aspect of your life until you’re embracing every experience from a completely different place within you and generating completely different results in all your relationships and endeavors: romantic, family, business and otherwise.

I invite you to schedule a Free Discovery Call so we may find out if working together will be the best step for both of us.
Click on the orange button below, you’ll be redirected to our calendar to schedule your live one-on-one Zoom call. The calendar will add your email to our mailing list and send you a confirmation with the details of the appointment and the link to the call.
The Call
Your Free Discovery zoom call will last about an hour. We’ll review every important area of your life you wish to work on and find out how Life Design may help you with all of them. The call will be recorded and I’ll send you the audio and video files the same day.
If we happen to be a good match for working together, we’ll get you set up with payment and we’ll schedule the time and date for your first call within a week’s time. Coaching hours may be scheduled as available on the calendar (usually weekly business hours).